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Research Questions:

Hydrologic Extremes

  • How will floods change under future climate scenarios?

  • What causes the intensification of interannual precipitation variability in interior continents?

  • How do dry-to-wet extreme interannual shifts impact flood hazards?​​

Flood Risk and Communication

  • What are perception thresholds are approriate in Expected Moments Algorithm in low-lying, alluvial rivers that "perceive" a wide range of flood sizes?

  • Should we be selectively integrating paleofloods based on paleoclimate conditions to inform future flood risk?

  • Does flood risk perception of business and home owners with paleo-informed graded flood zones going beyond the 100-year flood?​​


  • How does inundation hydrology on the floodplain dictate extreme flood deposition and preserveation?

  • What is the risk of landslide damming of the Tennessee River gorge? Has past landslide activity impacted channel incision in the Tennessee River?

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